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Negativity is a powerful force in today's world. You see it on the news. You hear it when your friends gossip and complain. You hear it in your own voice when you say things like “Oh, not again,” “This probably won't work,” and “This is too good to be true.” If you are up on current medical studies you know that being negative and the stress it causes is harmful to your health. You may have also noticed that negativity diminishes the quality of your relationships, keeps you from setting and achieving your goals, and may even keep you from enjoying what you already have. I know being negative messed up my life. I spent many years being negative and experiencing all the consequences it had on my life: Two failed marriages, a bankruptcy, and a lot of depressed feelings. When I noticed that my consulting clients, my friends, my family—literally everyone seemed afflicted to some extent with the same problem of negativity, I set out to figure out what caused it and then solve it. And after some time I found a solution that allowed me to help myself and also help over 13,000 others significantly reduce the negativity in their lives, which led them to make more money and improve their relationships. For myself, I was also able to build a million dollar company, raise two incredibly happy and self-sufficient daughters, and have the relationship of my dreams with my wife Shelly. All of this took place over twenty years ago after I created a breakthrough approach to helping people change. Since creating it I have sought ways to share it with as many people as possible. And through the power of the Internet, I now have the chance to share it with the entire world. You see, over 20 years ago I created a process that allows people to get rid of negative beliefs. When you get rid of a negative belief the negative thoughts and feelings caused by that belief disappear. Getting rid of only one belief won't solve all your problems. You've got to get rid of all the beliefs in a given area to make total change. If you’re negative a lot of the time, there are several beliefs causing that negativity. And, if you've got problems with money you may need to get rid of several beliefs about money to solve those problems. But regardless of what negativity or money beliefs you may have, our experience with thousands of clients makes it clear that if you have either of these two problems you almost certainly also have some negative self-esteem beliefs too. Recently, I created an on-line version of this process that enables you to eliminate one of the most common negative self-esteem beliefs … for free. This process will help you to get rid of a belief that usually underlies all forms of negativity and virtually all money problems. Sounds like a tall order, doesn't it? I know it is. That's why I tested my online process over the last year or so to see how well it works. So far the feedback I've received has been very good:
In fact, you can still test out my process for free just like they did. Why is it free? Because my goal is to have at least 10 million people experience the power of permanently eliminating at least one crippling belief. Just click on eliminate a belief and you'll be taken to my free online belief-eliminator. And when you're done, please leave me feedback on my blog so I can know how well I'm serving you.
P.S. People usually end a letter like this with a phrase like, “What have you got to lose?” but we're being positive here on purpose. What would it be like if you could be naturally open and positive? Click here to find out.
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