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Applications of the
Decision Maker®


Guaranteed Innovative Solutions™


Guaranteed Innovative Solutions™

We can help you solve your most pressing business problems and significantly enhance innovation in your organization … results are guaranteed.

Simply stated, what we do is get employees on all levels to deal innovatively with today’s challenges, instead of doing what worked yesterday. We help you to unlearn your old “answers” that are no longer appropriate.

How? We work with you and members of your organization to identify the hidden assumptions that limit your ability to find innovative ways to solve problems or take advantage of opportunities … and then we use a proven process to help you eliminate those limiting beliefs on the spot.

Please take just a few minutes to hear me out.

The Decision Maker® Institute uses a very effective belief-changing process to provide clients Guaranteed Innovative Solutions (GIS). GIS can be applied at any level of your organization to address any problem or opportunity. Here are just a few areas in which the GIS process can be used to produce breakthrough solutions: Identifying new business directions; creating a new niche for an existing product, reducing time to market, cutting costs, improving customer service and product quality, and reorganizing a company.

How does GIS work?

  • The process usually takes 4 to 8 hours — TOTAL! — minimizing your cost.
  • Typically the process involves from 8 to 12 people from your organization.
  • The GIS process assists participants to identify their limiting beliefs and then helps them eliminate those beliefs, thereby freeing them to create innovative solutions to your biggest problems.
    • Examples of beliefs that we help clients to eliminate include: “We must….”; “It would be too difficult to…”; “Everyone knows that…” We can’t do…”; “The company would not…”; “It would take too much money, or time, or personnel to ….”
    You have no doubt heard one or all of these at various times in your organization.
  • Through the GIS process participants realize that their work-related beliefs (their answers to how to achieve their objectives and be successful) were valid ways of operating at the time they were formed – not at all times under all conditions. The result: the beliefs disappear and new possibilities emerge.

What kind of possibilities?

Here’s how a couple of our clients described the effectiveness of our work with them.

  • The CEO of Lands’ End said of DMI:
    “DMI broadened our thinking by getting us to question some of our long-held beliefs. That enabled us to develop new solutions we couldn’t have even imagined before. The DMI techniques peel away old ways of thinking and open the mind to realizing that almost anything is possible.” Eliminating beliefs led to a breakthrough in getting products into the hands of customers in almost a third of the time thought to be possible.
  • The Copps Corporation, a half billion-dollar grocery chain, was constantly trying to improve customer service. It was unaware it was operating with the hidden assumption that “our opportunity to satisfy customers starts when the customer enters the store and ends when he/she leaves”. After using the GIS techniques, Copps discovered truly innovative ways to provide extraordinary service to their customers beyond the boundaries of the store. The CEO of Copps said: “Through your [DMI’s] leadership, we bought into the idea that we’re all limited by our personal and corporate belief systems. There have been enormous improvements … as a result of having gone through your Decision Maker® Process. Our corporate sales and profits have continuously headed upward and this moment [two years later] we are experiencing record profits.”

Today DMI is working with organizations of all types and sizes on a wide variety of issues and garnering similar kinds of results. Our clients are creating competitive advantages and seeing a quick return on their investment.

We are convinced we can do the same for your organization. We welcome the opportunity to discuss our unique process for quickly and permanently changing beliefs with you and how an engagement might significantly increase your profits.

We are so confident that CIS will work that we make this guarantee: If you feel that the innovative solutions resulting from CIS do not achieve the results agreed upon, there is no fee.

Please call us today.

For more information, please contact us at the Decision Maker® Institute, 180 Forrest Avenue, Fairfax, CA 94930-1805. P: 415-456-7300. Fax: 415-485-3865. Email: Web site: