Re-Create Your Life Advance
A biography of the author of the book, Re-create Your Life: Transforming Yourself and Your World Morty Lefkoe is president and founder of the Decision Maker® Institute (DMI), a Fairfax, CA firm that assists both organizations and individuals to deal effectively with change and that conducts research into the change process. The mission of DMI is empowering individual and organizational clients to use the DM Technology, which enables them to create new possibilities for producing breakthrough results.
In addition to his corporate practice, he has private clients where he uses the Decision Maker® Process, a revolutionary technique that enables individuals to eliminate the beliefs that result in dysfunctional feelings and behavior. It has proven itself extremely effective in improving one's experience of self-esteem in a very short period of time. He now has anecdotal reports from almost a thousand private clients on the efficacy of the process (1) in totally and permanently eliminating the beliefs that had contributed to a negative sense of themselves, (2) in facilitating them to stop being victims and start taking responsibility for their lives, and (3) in making major behavioral changes. Based on his extensive experience with clients, Morty has created three presentations: "Creating Your Life," "Using the Mind to Heal the Body," and "How to Use Your Mind to Improve Your Game," which he delivers regularly. Has has spoken before such groups as the American Management Association, National Wellness Coalition, Managed Health Care Congress (NE), Association for Fitness in Business, and American Psychological Association-National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health. He frequently conducts seminars for groups of CEOs on "A Proven Method for Successfully Instituting Change." At the end of 1994 he completed a research study with sixteen incarcerated youths and adults at two Connecticut institutions. It demonstrated that using the Decision Maker® Process to eliminate such beliefs as "I'm bad," "There's something wrong with me," "I don't matter," What makes me okay is the power that comes from a gun," etc. improves the self-esteem and reduces the hostility and criminal behavior of the subjects. His collaborator on the study, Dr. Lee Sechrest, a psychologist at the University of Arizona, concluded after an analysis of the results: "All in all, this little experiment has to be regarded as a fairly remarkable success. Certainly it justifies efforts to carry out further testing to determine whether the changes observed can be dependably produced. If they can, the DM Process could have definite promise in helping young male offenders mend their ways." He wrote a book on the Decision Maker® Process, Re-create Your Life: Transforming Yourself and Your World, which explains how the DM Process works, how it is different from psychotherapy, its spiritual implications, and how its principles can be applied to parenting, athletic competition, health, and business. The book describes how the Decision Maker® Process can aid in the prevention and treatment of drug and alcohol addiction, eating disorders, and criminal and violent behavior. It also includes a number of case histories involving clients who have successfully dealt with a number of dysfunctional patterns. It was published in June, 1997 by Andrews and McMeel. Morty received his B.A. from the University of Chicago, where he also attended the Graduate School of Business. He resides with his wife, Shelly, and two daughters, Blake and Brittany, in Fairfax, CA. |