The Lefkoe Institute
180 Forrest Avenue
Fairfax, CA 94930-1805
Phone: (415)456-7300
Toll Free: (866)533-5631
Fax: (415)485-3865


Quotes from Coaches

“Thanks to the thorough practicing I used the The Lefkoe Method NEXT DAY (without my notes handy) with a Deloitte & Touche client, who was so personally distraught, there was no point in talking business during our executive coaching session. If you could have seen the radiance on that face after an hour! So ... the tool is powerful and rich!”
Agnes Mura, MA MCC, Past President, LA PCMA

"This belief work has had a profound impact not only on me but on my clients, and I only started a month ago! I read "Recreating Your Life" by Morty Lefkoe, (he is founder of the Belief Process Workshop) and once I put pen to paper I had not only identified the belief which was blocking my abundance but I have eradicated it completely from my consciousness. I have increased my business by 50% and now I feel as though I can't handle all the offers. Yes, it's true. I, however, don't completely feel competent using it with my clients without reading from the book which is why I am taking the 2 day course. At only $300.00, it's a steal. I can only imagine what will follow! Who knows maybe I will be married, living in a castle with my own Coaching Empire!"
Karynne Boese, Life and Recovery Coach, 310. 562. 7142

“Your workshop was a powerful respite in a hectic world. In half an hour of engaging in The Lefkoe Method, a foundational belief in my life, which has robbed me of much joy and satisfaction over the decades, disappeared. Before the workshop, I would have sworn that this was impossible. However, I now know that it is not only possible, but very simple. Thank you for this outstanding process. Besides having gained immense personal value from this course, I have a robust new skill to incorporate in my coaching practice.”
Inga Estes, President-elect & Program Chair, LA PCMA

“As a speaker’s coach The Lefkoe Method is an invaluable tool for helping my clients understand, and access and eliminate the underlying beliefs that prevent them from being comfortable in front of groups. I intend to use it in my practice extensively.”
Marion Claire, “The Confident Speaker’s Coach”

“Most people believe that it takes years of hard work to change a belief that they've held since childhood. Morty Lefkoe dared to think otherwise and has spent the past 18 years creating and refining The Lefkoe Method, an ingenious method for quickly eradicating limiting beliefs. … All of us who participated in the DM Workshop were awestruck by the possibilities this process opened up for our clients—and ourselves.”
Phil Glosserman, Business Coach

“After attending The Lefkoe Method weekend workshop I can not only save time, but now I really help my client(s) like never before. I have already tested The Lefkoe Method with two of my clients. I could not believe the look in their faces once they realized the instant and profound change. It's really a breakthrough. I believe that all coaches and other professional helpers would benefit and be much more effective in their work using The Lefkoe Method. I love the fact that Morty and Shelly Lefkoe are committed to their work and that their dream is to make this technique available and affordable so more people can be reached.”
Gabriel Garciamendez, Life Coach/Strategist

"The Lefkoe Method is an extremely valuable tool that has tremendous application with coaching clients. It's a clean, step-by-step method of eliminating beliefs that impede progress desired by the client. It's different from re-framing and changing perspectives and is not a coaching technique. The value of this system is its potential to enhance or turbo-charge coaching by removing stumbling blocks in the form of beliefs."
Reggie Weisenbach, Past President, Orange County PCMA